Monday, February 9, 2009


We all went to the circus on Sunday. It was such a good show. We went for the hour long pre-show where we got to see Magic acts, jugglers, the guy on stilts and the elephant paint a piece of art. The show was one of the best I have seen. My favorite parts were the elephants, the clowns riding around, and the dogs. I liked the lions, but one of them seemed to be mad. I would never get in a cage with an angry lion, but the guy handled it. It seemed the lion kept trying to get snarky with him and would growl. I thought trouble. But it was alright. Some gymnasts were there and so unnatural that they can put their legs up around their face. One act was this acrobat that was supposed to be the best but the clowns kept messing her up. She ended up in only her undergarments. C thought this was hilarious. Chris enjoyed the motorcycles in the cage the most. It was pretty spectacular.
During the elephant painting I had to give C the camera because I couldn't quite get close enough and he was in the front row:
Here is a clown and C during the pre-show:
Here is the three of us:

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