I took C out to the BMX Park this weekend for the first time and he LOVED it! Of course he would, he is a little daredevil that loves action! It was pretty cool, a huge dirt track for bikes. He got a loaner bike and a BMX helmet (which he told me later that if I would just buy him one, he would not need to borrow one), and was off. He started at the halfway point down the first hill with Mama holding the bike, but then he did the whole track on the first run by himself. He kept going and going and rode his bike from 6:30-9:30 when the lights went out with very few breaks. He was afraid of the starting gates, understandably, they are very loud. He got offered an opportunity to race, but declined saying “I am just a little kid!” because he did not want to do the starting gate. Of course, the little kid argument only comes up when it is something he doesn’t want to do. I think he will within a week or two. We shall see. I won’t buy a bike just yet because we can use the loaner bike/helmet until we see if this is his sport. It can get expensive, but if he likes it he can get a BMX bike and helmet for birthday or Christmas. It was fun to be out there, the other moms were so friendly and the kids were so cool riding and jumping and racing.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
First Grade
C started First grade today! Yay! He is pretty excited about going back to school. We had all of our school supplies bought for a few weeks now and packed up. I was like the first grader; I couldn’t sleep last night in anticipation of today. Both hubby and I walked him into his classroom and I took some pictures. This time last year I had a Kindergartener.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Movie - X Games
Hubby, C, and I went to go see X Games 3D: The Movie today and C loved it. It is only playing for one week and it is in 3D. It was really good. The stunts were awesome! C was a bit bummed there really wasn't any BMX stuff in it. It was mostly Skateboarding, Rally Car, Moto Cross stunts, and a little snow boarding. It starred Ricky "the GOAT" Carmichael, Danny Way, Travis Pastrana, cutie Bob Burquist, Shawn White, and more. I was on the edge of my seat sometimes and C asked me why. I told him the stunts make me nervous and he said is it because I am going to do them one day? Yikes! He is totally in a BMX phase and says he will be a BMXer when he grows up and he will be in the X games. There is a show on TV that showcases kids called "The Next X Special" We only have one episode on DVR and he has probably watched it two dozen times. At the beach he kept saying, "Look mom, I am doing a tuck no hander on my board". He can't wait until he is ten and wants to be the first ten year old to do a 360 tail whip. He loved, loved, loved the movie. He really hopes it comes out on video to buy.
*GOAT = Greatest Of All Time
*GOAT = Greatest Of All Time
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Beach Times
We went to Wrightsville Beach for a long weekend. We stayed with Elysia and her family the same as we did last year and had so much fun. The kids loved the beach, of course. C is even more of a water lover than I have ever seen before. He would swim out to the big waves turn around and catch the waves in on his boogie board. We loved traveling with them as the kids get along great, it is always nice to have friends on vacation and we just get along with them great. Even Elysia’s little boy went from just a little timid in the water to letting the waves crash down on him and him going really far out. Her little girl got pounded by a wave once and wasn’t too keen, then I took her out and I think may have scarred her for life against the water when we got slammed with a wave. I did hold on, but she didn’t like it at all.
I loved Wrightsville Beach, it is so nice and the waves aren’t too bad and not a big under tow like we had in the Outer Banks. The house was about a block and a half from the beach, but an easy walk and well worth it. We mostly cook for ourselves on vacation, kinda ironic since I rarely cook at home, but I just have more time and it is easier while on vacation. I made big breakfasts a few days as I love making/eating a good breakfast while on vacation.
We did go out to eat once in Downtown Wilmington to Front Street Brewery and it was super yummy. We then walked around in downtown and got ice cream at Kilwins, which is soooo, sooooo good!
Here are the wonderful kiddos (with their friend Katie):
Here is bubby trying to save the kids as I take a pic (I will make the disclaimer again, no one was hurt, seems to be a recurring theme here lately):
The pic I was trying to get (notice C doing Ninja moves he was telling the waves to back off):
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
C whispered a secret in my ear this morning. "I love you more than I love Calvin." That is so cool! He asked me if I thought Calvin heard him. I think dogs have super hearing, so he probably did. Who knows if he understands, I only know Cal understands:
- Treat
- Go Outside
- Big potty (means please do more than pee so I don't get a present later)
- Ride (this makes him run so fast to the door, I feel sorry for anyone in his path)
- Walk (again, be fearful if you are in his path)
After this interaction, we told each other we love each other the mostest in the whole wide world. He asked me if I loved him more than Mimi (my mom) and I said yeah, but in a different way. He said he couldn't imagine loving someone more than your own mommy. He is just so super sweet.
I tell C all the time I have the sweetest boy in the whole world and I really do mean it, he tells me he loves me all the time with really cool creative ways. Also, this morning he loved me "360 and 88 miles."
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I took C to the BMX Park today for a session. He had a lot of fun. He is still a little hesitant on the ramps and spends a lot of time riding up to talk to me, getting a drink, or just taking a break to watch, but he really likes going there and seems to have a great time. I enjoy watching him. He can’t wait to “catch air”.
I caught a little video of him doing his tricks. He loves to stand and ride, he loves to take his feet off the bike like he sees the X Games riders do (yes, it is scary), and he loves the ramps.
So after the BMX Park we headed to get him a toy. He had his wallet and his money and there was nothing he wanted more that he wanted to buy himself than a small BMX bike toy. He loves to play with the new X games line of toys and has ramps, skateboards complete with interchangeable wheels and stickers, and now a BMX bike. These toys are super cool. The skate boards come with little shoes you stick on your fingers to do tricks on the skateboard and the BMX bike comes with little rubber finger gloves you stick on the handlebars to do tricks.
Next I had to run through my favorite coffee shop Caribou Coffee for an iced coffee and the girl even gave C a little cup of his own special coffee. Nothing better than a new bike and some special coffee, he proudly held them up for a picture.
I caught a little video of him doing his tricks. He loves to stand and ride, he loves to take his feet off the bike like he sees the X Games riders do (yes, it is scary), and he loves the ramps.
So after the BMX Park we headed to get him a toy. He had his wallet and his money and there was nothing he wanted more that he wanted to buy himself than a small BMX bike toy. He loves to play with the new X games line of toys and has ramps, skateboards complete with interchangeable wheels and stickers, and now a BMX bike. These toys are super cool. The skate boards come with little shoes you stick on your fingers to do tricks on the skateboard and the BMX bike comes with little rubber finger gloves you stick on the handlebars to do tricks.
Next I had to run through my favorite coffee shop Caribou Coffee for an iced coffee and the girl even gave C a little cup of his own special coffee. Nothing better than a new bike and some special coffee, he proudly held them up for a picture.
New Toy and Coffee:
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Long Day?
I think it must have been a long day at summer camp. Christopher was watching TV and being really quiet. I go into the living room to find him curled up on the couch asleep at 5:00 pm. When he woke, he insisted he hadn’t fallen asleep. He still went to bed with no problems, too. This from the kid that was complaining the quiet time at camp was too long. Maybe if you took advantage of that time you wouldn’t be so tired when you got home. He did start to stir, so I went in and held him and snuck a bunch of snuggles in.
C and Emma Dancing
We went to a Carolina Mudcats game with our friends and their little girl Emma. They started dancing when the music came on. It was so adorable.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
New House
We got a new house! Yeah, it was back in June and I am just now getting around to posting about it. I am so in love with the new house. Our first house was in Holly Springs and my commute was pretty bad. We finally decided that it was time to move closer to work and sold the house we lived in for eight years, the house we bought right before we got married, the one we brought Calvin into as a tiny pup and he lived there for eight years, the one we brought our (now almost 6 year old) baby C home to. It was a little sentimental leaving the house, but we were so excited about the new one, it didn’t bother us too much. The new one is a little bigger, but smaller yard. Hubby says that is fine since he is the one mowing it anyway. I hadn’t realized until we had lived there for 6 years that we didn’t have a self-propelled lawn mower and our yard was big and hilly. We finally have all our bedrooms on the same floor. So far we love the new neighborhood, but what we love even more is being so close to everything. That can be dangerous, too, though. We live about ¼ miles from Target, Home Depot, Lowes, Kohls, restaurants, BJ’s, movie theatre, and more. We live about 3 miles from C’s school, which will make his mornings easier, he had been in the car for about thirty minutes to get to school. We live 3 miles from a go-kart track, maybe 4 to the Raleigh Farmer’s Market. It is super cool.
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