Monday, December 8, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hmm, updates?
He had his first project to do at school. They are studying Community Helpers and had to pick one to do a report on. He chose Police Man. I tried many times to correct him and say Police Officer, but he said, but I want to do Police Man. He had to write down ways they help the community, what they do, how they become one, and why he would want to be one. He made a nice poster board with police themed pictures and had to present in class. I asked him why he chose police officer and he said so he could have a “real gun”. LOL. I did find out he wasn’t the only kid in class that had decided that.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Halloween 2008
He ran from house to house. We went with the neighbor twins that are identical. So at the beginning of the night he ran with N and then at the end ran with J. They took breaks in between. It was nice that I had someone to walk with and C loves them so much, they have the coolest toys he says.
He got to TOT at his friend Leya's house and stop for a picture with her.
After TOT we went over to their house to warm up, it was so cold. The boys ate some candy, but mostly played some Chicken game on the Wii and then Batman Lego on the Wii. C did not want to stop playing. It turned out to be a lot of fun.
Here are some pics:
Friday, October 31, 2008
Vote for my CuteKid
Nickerson Look-alike Meter
MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Free genealogy - Family search
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Calendar of Presence
Some of the ideas that I have loved and will do or have done this month are:
- Take a walk with your child.
- Bake with your child.
- Play a game your child wants, without being hurried and play as many times as they want.
- Make eye contact with your child each time you speak with them today.
- Collect fall leaves.
- Work on an art project.
- Look at the stars or watch the sunset.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Soccer is over, onto swimming
This week he started swimming lessons. He is now in Youth Class 3, it is 6-9 year olds and they need to be swimming at least 15 yards unassisted. He was about average in the class. He wasn’t the best, but not the worst. His teacher said he did well and listened a lot. I am so happy for him, he LOVED being in the pool. He swam and treaded water. He needs to work on listening to the teacher a little more; I think he was so excited to be in the water, that he was having a hard time sitting still at all. He has lessons the whole month of November.
Not sure what we will do for his next activity, Chris wants to make sure that he is not over scheduled and doing more than one thing at a time. Spring soccer starts end of February.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Halloween Party
His office did a really good job of entertaining the kids. They had a pumpkin craft, painting a pumpkin, and trick or treating. And yes I dug into his stash already and picked a few choice things to have at my desk. :-)
Here is C as a TMNT:
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What I sent in C's Pocket Today
C: "Mom, do you think you could write down our phone number?"
Chris: "Why do you need the phone number written down?"
C: "Kierston wants our phone number so she can call and tell us that she can come to my party."
Oh my, it is starting already and we are only in Kindergarten, girls want his phone number. I am sure he will be asking girls for theirs, too. Ahhhhhh!
This is the same Kierston who he he was crying because he said the principal would not allow him to invite her to his party. We managed to work something out and I sent an invite to Kierston. He says she is coming, but I haven't heard. If her mom is anything like me, she lost the invite and this is how the phone number conversation started. She needed it so her mom could call. At least that is how it would have happened in our house.
So this morning, I sent him with the phone number in his pocket so he can give it to Kierston.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Bye, Bye Summer
This is cute!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Football and Cheerleaders
Mom, look at the cheerleaders.
Mom, where is that cheerleader going.
Can I go watch the cheerleaders do flips?
That cheerleader just hugged her boyfriend.
That cheerleader just kissed her boyfriend.
I am going to cheer with them, Go Hawks Go, Let’s Go Hawks, Way to go Hawks, etc….
That cheerleader has a sweatshirt on, why does she have a sweatshirt on.
Does the other team have cheerleaders?
The other team has a boy cheerleader.
Why is the cheerleader so high up?
I was telling my mom about the football game and how enamored he was with the cheerleaders and we just laughed. It is so the dude. He loves girls.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Soccer Game
We are also going to an NC State Football game! I am super excited about that. It will be so much fun. We went to our first local high school football game this past weekend with C. Chris and I had gone to see a few when I was pregnant, but we hadn’t been to see another one since. C was so excited and really got into the game. He was rooting for the team and picked a player to cheer for (even when said player was not even in the game). I am sure the kid was like who is that kid cheering for me? He fell asleep during the last few minutes of the game and we went home. I still can’t believe he fell asleep in all that loud noise of the stadium. I carried him back to the car and by the time we got to the car my arms felt like jello. I guess the 3 pounds he gained to bring him to a whopping 40 even makes a difference.
Here is the video of the soccer goal:
Not happy to see me?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Funnies of the Day
1. I was brushing his hair getting ready for school. He had a few knots and it hurt him. So he says, “Mom, why are you so hard headed?” I was laughing so hard. He totally didn't get how it came out.
2. Last night at bedtime the master manipulator says as I am putting him to bed. “I don’t get it, how can you leave your child all alone in their room every night?” Seriously! He really doesn’t like to sleep alone, but even more so hates that I may get to watch TV after he goes to bed. He is back into the routine of sneaking into my bed almost every night. Oh well, maybe he will stop by the time he goes to college.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Love and Heartbreak already?
Friday, September 5, 2008
Bus Rider
Here he is ready to get on the bus the first time:

Here he is excitedly waiting for the bus to stop for him to get on:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Yummy, Yummy Kid’s Meal
Mom and I had a Thai Chicken Hot wrap which is a wrap Chicken and Jasmine rice with a peanut sauce. We also had the fries. They are soo good, hand cut fries served a in soda fountain glass with three different dipping sauces, jalapeno ketchup, basil aioli, curry aioli. I like the basil aioli the best.
The yummy treat for Christopher was the Kid’s meal which is $3.95. He had fruit salad, chicken fingers, milk, and a Build-Your-Own Cupcake Kit. He was so happy about the kit. It came with a vanilla or chocolate cupcake, frosting in a pastry bag, and three mini cups of sprinkles on a tray. He can’t wait to go back and make another cupcake.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Dude Started School - Kindergarten
Mom and I spent the day having coffee, shopping, eating lunch, and picking out school supplies for C. Then we headed back to the school at 2:40 to get him. He was exhausted. He then proceeded to say that he had the “worstest day ever in his life because I picked him up”. Apparently he had been looking forward all day to riding the bus home. Unfortunately I was a bit over-protective and didn’t let him ride the bus on the first day of school.
Since a picture is worth a lot, here is C before school and after, you can really tell how tired he was.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sickies at Day-care
But on a positive note, we have been really happy there, they were exploring space last week and he got to learn about the planets and rockets and space shuttles. When he starts K, he gets to go to the big kid side where they have a cafe, game room, gym, and computer room. A few of the teachers had subbed or worked at our previous day-care and they even remembered C and took the time to say hi and help him get acclimated.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
He was a surfer boy!
Then Monday came and we trekked down to the beach one last time before leaving. Chris and I
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hubby's Birthday Cake
Here it is:
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The dodge ball incident was that they play dodge ball at camp. This is a completely new game to C. He told me he got hit in the head and his head hurt. I remember dodge ball and how much I hated it and wanted to get all protective. Chris told him, you need to get out of the way of the ball. Luckily the situation resolved itself the next day when C came running to me and tells me he knows what he was doing wrong in dodge ball, standing too close to the line. Problem solved without mommy's help.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Two More Wedding Pictures
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Dry or Secondary Drowning
I hadn't realized you can drown after being out of the pool. I saw online that kids ingest the water and it can cause them to drown hours (up to 72) after being in the pool. I wanted to make people aware of this after this evry sad event that my co-worker went through. They ingest 4 ounces (24 teaspoons), the symptoms to look for are: coughing, trouble breathing, pain.
Not my co-worker's nephew, but here is an article on the local news about a boy who died in SC of the same thing.
Monday, July 14, 2008
ETA: They added 4 new designs when I went to look just now, so next time footballs and lizards. This past time we got flames, stars, spiders, and trucks.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tanner Nikole
She is adorable and is still real pink and has cute, cute, cute red hair.
I can't wait to meet her, but it will probably be several months before we get out to California again to see my family. We have gone already twice this year.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Photography Blog
Check it out on her blog: Amanda Olson Photography
Amanda is a great photographer, she took the Father's Day pictures of Christopher from last year. They turned out so cute despite my grumpy boy that day. She put them in a montage and emailed them to me. I added a poem and printed as an 8X10 and it was a great present for hubby. Hmmm, she is running a $50 special right now, I might need to get some pictures of Christopher done.
Ah, Pool Season
Funny for the day (yesterday) is our neighbor asked us what we did in Vegas and he said, "We visited the casinos." No mention of the family picnic or the family dinner or anything, just the casinos, how embarrassing. Just makes me wonder what he tells his classmates at school.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Brother's Wedding
They got married in Lancaster, CA at Cascades at Rancho Vista. Lancaster/Palmdale area of Californis is where I am originally from.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Quarter Update
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Always Exciting
I was in training all afternoon, so they ended up getting hold of Chris to pick him up. I got the call after Chris was almost at the day-care. He was complaining that his belly hurt. Really, huh? Ya think! Well he took him home while I finished up at the office. The doctor said as long as he can eat/drink normally there is not much we can do. We need to make sure he passes it, but not anything else.
Christopher and I had a long talk about not eating/swallowing things that don't belong in his mouth and that if it had been worse he might have missed his trip to California. He wouldn't have been too happy about that.
He is back to normal today, thank goodness. Not sure that he learned his lesson as I caught him this evening putting a water bottle cap in his mouth. We never had these issues when he was a baby, why now?
Monday, June 2, 2008
The Suit
I took advantage of the opportunity to get dressed up and Christopher wore the suit that I had bought on clearance for $7. It was so, so cute on him.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Last T-Ball Game
Christopher had his last T-Ball game of the season Saturday and he played pretty well. Much better than the first game. The first ball he hit really well and made it to first, they played with outs this time, so thank goodness he made it. He made it the second time, too and hit it even further. They switch positions up, so the first time out he played on the pitcher mound. He had almost every ball hit to him. He missed two, but the rest he managed to stop and throw to first. Here is my first video I am posting with him getting the ball and throwing to first, first baseman caught it, too! The next time out he was in the outfield and no balls made it to him. He really enjoyed the T-Ball season.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My other great find was a great Claiborne suit in black for Christopher for my brother Aaron's wedding next weekend. He is going to be a very handsome ring bearer! It was $35 marked down from $98. Just for the heck of it, I got him this other suit simply because it was $7 and adorable. It is blue pinstripe pants and vest with a light blue shirt and tie. He will be GQ!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Safety Violation
Here he is cheesing on his two wheel scooter that he had to have since he was "getting too big" for his three wheel scooter:
We had a blast with his little friend Callie. They are so cute and fun together. Callie is just five weeks older than Christopher. I actually am embarrassed to say I did not take any pictures this weekend, but here is one of Callie and Christopher from the Fall at the NC State vs. East Carolina game in Greenville, NC. (Notice again the cheesy grin)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Park Playdate
Here are the kids riding the boat and the train:
Please ignore Christopher's juice stained face ;-)
Win a Free Ergo Baby Carrier from Along for the Ride
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Daycare Lunch
For lunch we had cheese and pepperoni pizza, tomato and cucumber salad, bananas, and Milk.
Skills: Sharing, Taking Turns, Self-Help Skills, Following Directions, Responsibility, Table Manners
Of those items, he eats bananas (an drinks milk). He doesn't eat pizza (for the most part, sometimes he will, mostly not, or will take off all toppings and just eat the crust). He claims he is allergic to cheese, but really he just doesn't like it. I overheard another kid say he is allergic to celery, so all the kids in his class claim allergies to things they don't like. It really is funny. Now Christopher is not picky when it comes to eating, there are just a few things he just won’t eat, cheese, hot dogs, and salad to name a few. The other day the menu was kielbasa, rice, melon, green beans, and milk. Now that I am sure he ate a lot of and ate everything that was offered. For most kids it would have been the other way around, mom didn’t have to worry about the pizza, but maybe about the kielbasa and rice.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
We went out to lunch at Bonefish Grill and ate a yummy lunch. Christopher was the only one that ate healthy. He chose the kid's meal of grilled chicken and veggies. I had chicken in a light cream sauce that probably had nothing remotely light in it, but it was yummy! We also had the Bang Bang Shrimp, mmmm!
After lunch we went to run a few errands and got Christopher a new pair of shoes. They are super cool and we got a great deal on them. He got a new pair of Merrell's. He loves them and Merrell is a great shoe. He was so excited he put them on as soon as we got in the car. He is going to summer camp and has been really rough on his shoes so we wanted something that would last all summer and look decent.
We then went to an inflatable jump place for him to do some jumping. He had so much fun and played for two straight hours jumping and sliding. While we were there I realized the ring he had put on his finger earlier that day was getting more stuck. We tried to get the darn thing off and it was not coming off. We tried soap, ice, lotion, etc. There was a pediatrician there for the play date and she said we would probably need to go to Urgent Care. I called around to find one open and couldn’t, so quickly went home for an internet search and found one that would be open. I had 24 minutes to get there and we pulled up at 7:56 pm. They closed at 8 pm. They took him in right away and sawed the ring off. It had started to turn purplish and was very swollen. They used a ring cutter to cut it off. The doctor then gave him a Popsicle, coloring book, and crayons. Way to motivate him to want to go to Urgent Care again. Tomorrow he plans to wear his doctor suit (a hospital gown) and bring his ring into class for show and tell. He still claims all the time he wants to be a doctor when he grows up. He did say he wants to work in an office and see kids and will only work in an office that gives out toys. But, only the kids that are good will get a toy.
I think I deserved my Mother's Day, right? Especially since we had our first trip to Urgent Care with Christopher.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
T-Ball Game
So a few people asked me what it is like for 4-year-olds to play t-ball. Honestly, it is just getting them used to playing, all for fun, no outs, no score, all get a trophy. I will give you a few highlights of the game, starting with Christopher highlights. He played right field first time out and no balls came to him, so he was busy asking Chris where he got the camera from while Chris was videotaping the game. Then he played first which was pretty eventful with the second hitter hitting the ball and Christopher running to second. Hey at least he ran to the correct base, albeit at the wrong time. Then as he was trying to throw the ball home, once it fell out of his hand and landed behind him and another time hit the coach in the back of the head. The rest of the game was pretty uneventful and he hit the ball three times and got to run around the bases. Some of the team highlights were the three kids on his team who were picking grass and throwing it at each other in left field. The kid who was too busy picking his nose and the ball went right past him. The other kid who was assigned to the pitcher mound and he thought he had to stay right there, so the ball went right past him several times.
Here he is waiting to bat:
Here he is in right field, he always crouches like that waiting for the ball:
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Endless Questions
So yesterday C was in the car with me and these are just a few of the questions and statements I heard on the way home:
How does cruise control work?
How do you get to take your foot off the pedal?
How does the car move forward?
I pedal my bike to make it go forward, how does a car go forward?
How does gas work to make a car go forward?
Are we still in a moderator drought?
How can we be in a moderator drought and it is raining?
How do people know it is a drought?
How do they measure the water in the lakes?
If it keeps raining will we be done with the drought?
If it rains all summer, will I be able to go to the pool?
Why doesn't it rain a lot in the summer?
Carson caused another drought, he used too much water at school last week.
I have to pee.
I really have to go pee so bad.
Can we please stop so I can go pee.
[Stopped at first chance and went potty]
Does my pee help the bugs drink?
Does my pee help the drought, since it is wet?
How does cruise control work?
Why does daddy have school all the time?
I'm hungry, what's for dinner?
And so on and so on. Man, that was more grueling than my hour long teleconference at work. It is pretty cool though that he is really trying to figure out how things work and understand the world around him, but maybe that is why sometimes I just let him watch the DVD player.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Our First Family Camping Trip
Friday night we set up the tents and then lets the kids play on the playground while dinner was being cooked. We had chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers and a big pot of chili. Saturday morning, we had coffee, cereal, yogurt, fruit, eggs, sausage, and more. The kids played on the playground more, we fished a little (the fishing area was not that great near our campsite, but some of the group walked to the pier where it was nicer). Lunch was leftovers.
Saturday afternoon we had a few more kids and parents come to hang out, we mostly let the kids ride bikes/trikes around the campsite, play on the playground, and fish some. Then we cooked out again, pretty much the same, burgers, dogs, chicken, had pasta, potato, and macaroni salad, and stuff. The kids drank way too many juice boxes. Then we roasted s'mores.
After all the s'mores (each had 3) and eating, the kids went to bed and the adults stayed up chatting and hanging out around the camp fire. Saturday night we totally got rained on (well at least we stayed dry inside the tent). It was so loud and it seemed like it poured all night. Our air mattress was a bit defective and by the end of the night we were all sleeping on the ground. So next trip we need to make sure we have a working air mattress.
We packed up Sunday and got home by 10:00 am. The tent is drying out in the garage and we all showered for a day of birthday parties (2) on Sunday. C said the best part of camping was playing with friends and eating s'mores. I think the best part was hanging out as a family with our friends, too.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Well, he came home today and said the same kid fell down and scraped his knee today. I couldn't help but think ain't karma a b1tch. I know, I know, I know, so mean of me to think. Very mean of me to think. But, he made C so sad by breaking the bird eggs. I am glad he didn't really get hurt because then I would feel even more guilty of thinking that.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Guilt Trips
C: Mommy, you going out?
Me: Yes, I am going out, give me a kiss goodbye.
C: I want you to stay here
Me: Mommy is going out, you'll be here with daddy
C: If you go out, that means you don't love me.
Me (at the moment) total shock. Then realize that I really do need a night out. Reassure him that he is loved and that mommy is still going out.
Me and C are watching TV and a commercial comes on for a gazillion bubbles barbecue and our conversation goes:
C: That is really cool mom
Me: yeah, it is (feigned interest)
C: Can we get that?
Me: No, I don't think so
C: Why?
Me: That doesn't look like a fun toy
C: When I grow up I am going to get married and when I have a kid, I am going to buy him that.
Me: (again shocked looked on my face and no words to answer that).
I really want to know where they learn these things.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Middle of the Night
So to all the moms of boys, laugh just a little at it!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Summer Camp
Now, don't get me wrong, I am going to be
I was talking with a group of moms this past weekend and they asked about C going to Kindergarten this year. I responded that yes he is going and I am so excited. They all looked at me with shocked faces and said, "Really?" with very confused looks. And yes even about Kindergarten I am pretty excited. Excited, nervous, scared, happy, and more. One of my reasons for being excited is day-care costs. It will be nice having him go to school and not going to day-care and spending a small fortune on day-care each month. But, yes I will probably be one of those moms that cries on the first day. A little bit of scared, happy, nostalgia, and excitement all in one. He has already talked about riding the bus to school. Yikes! The one part of Kindergarten that I dread are my relatively care-free nights now. Yes, I have to feed, bathe, and take care of him, but I don't really have to worry about his homework or studying. We read almost every night, but when he is in K, I will feel much more guilty if I skip a night of reading than I do now.
Monday, April 7, 2008
The New Car Seat
C finally grew (well almost) out of the car seat in daddy's car that we have had since he was just under one. The Evenflo Triumph was a nice seat and lasted a long time. But, he finally got to where his ears were pretty close to the top of the seat. You will know your kid outgrows his forward-facing seat when:
1. Over the weight limit
2. Shoulders above the top harness slot
3. Top of ears over the top of the shell
So after LOTS and LOTS of research we narrowed it down to the Britax Regent and the Graco Nautilus. I love Britax seats, they are so cool and sturdy and safe and easy to install. But, Chris liked the Graco better. So, I had to research more and go through the list of pros and cons. We finally decided on the Nautilus. This was for a few reasons. In case I ever needed the seat in my car, the Regent does not install well into the Captain chairs of the Odyssey, the cup holder on the Nautilus is a plus especially considering how many times my guys tend to leave milk cups in the seat and make mommy wash the cover, and the Nautilus would truly be the last seat for daddy's car and it was slightly cheaper. It has a steel reinforced frame and it is easy to install. It is new this year and all the car seat techs are raving about the seat. It harnesses to 65 pounds, has high top slots (19 inches), and then converts to a high back booster until 100 pounds and can also convert to a back-less booster from 40-100 pounds.
We got it in the mail and it is nice, it took me about 30 minutes to put it together. Which included, putting the head rest on and snapping the arms into place and adjusting to cover and moving the crotch strap out to the far position. Then probably another 30 minutes to get it into the car, but it was pretty easy to install. I got it in there nice and tight.
So I asked my boys what they thought of the new seat after using it today. Hubs answered, "it's a car seat, I didn't have to ride in it" and C said "it was comfy on my bum bum." Needless to say, neither one of them share my passion about car seats.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
So Sunday after the orientation it was pretty cold but he had his stuff and daddy had said he would take him out so the cold was not going to detour him at all. We went to the park and he practiced catching a grounder coming toward him and throwing and then hitting off the tee. He has a pretty good arm (meaning his throws actually go about as far as mommy's already). He wasn't too coordinated hitting of the tee, but did pretty good. He was so cute playing t-ball. I can't wait to go and watch him play. He will have 6 games for the season and everyone gets a trophy.
Hmmm, wonder if I will be one of those obsessed my kid has to be the best moms? It's supposed to be all in fun :-)
Oh yeah, I had said it was cold right, he lasted about 30 minutes and said it was time to go home, he was cold. He came right in the house, went upstairs and put a pair of gloves on his hands to warm them up.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Cooking Class - Last Session
The last item was the only hit for him. It was Peanut Cheerio Pretzel Mix. Not sure what all was in it but it did have peanut butter, peanuts, honey, vanilla, pretzel snaps, peanuts, and cheerios. All things he liked, yay! Success, third time's a charm for him. All the kids loved this last item. No pics of the cooking class items since the first two we did not bring home and the last was quickly devoured by us and unfortunately, the dog ate some too after we went to bed. Darn Calvin! At least he saved me some calories.
He has told his teachers at school he is allergic to cheese. He does not want anything that has cheese, is remotely cheesy, has a texture of cheese, smells like cheese, etc. I thought it was pretty funny that he was able to grasp that other kids did not have to eat something if they were allergic to it, so he would claim an allergy to cheese, seems pretty smart to me. Hubs did not think it was very funny.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
My Jedi Knight
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
California Trip, Day 3
The trip was not as good as has been in the past, the dude has always been an angel on the plane and a great traveler. Well, this time he wasn't great. He whined a lot, only fell asleep on the descent into Salt Lake City, and said he did not feel well. Hint #1, he never says he doesn't feel well. Hint #2, he only ate fruit loops, one piece of candy, and 4 bags of peanuts the whole trip and barely drank some water, no milk. Luckily, he did not disturb those around us, just me a little. We landed, he was so excited to see Mimi and Jocie. We went to go to lunch and he got sick at the restaurant. He ended up being sick the rest of the day and went to bed at 6:30 p.m. He woke up at 3:30 wanting to go into the "hot pool" (hot tub). I managed to get us to stay in bed until 6:45 when we went up and snuggled Mimi. He felt 100% better and is not sick anymore. Yay!
So far, we have gone in the hot